Next generation radiation monitors
HSE-RP-IL team is carrying out extensive research to realize a one chip ASIC solution for the front end electronics of Ionization chambers. The designed ASIC is forecasted to encompass the functionalities of most of the discrete components of CROME like the IVC based analog processing and FPGA based digital section. Two versions of prototypes for the analog front end have been designed named UTOPIA 1 and UTOPIA 2. The Ultalow Picoammeter (UTOPIA) series of chips were designed using AMS 350nm technology. UTOPIA 1 helped in identifying the main sources of leakage currents while employing AMS 350 technology for a low current measurement application. Based on the results from the UTOPIA 1, the second generation chip, UTOPIA 2, was designed which is proven to be able to measure currents from 1 fA to 5 uA. The characterization of the chip in pulsed radiation field is ongoing.

HSE-RP-IL team is carrying out extensive research to realize a one chip ASIC solution for the front end electronics of Ionization chambers. The designed ASIC is forecasted to encompass the functionalities of most of the discrete components of CROME like the IVC based analog processing and FPGA based digital section. Two versions of prototypes for the analog front end have been designed named UTOPIA 1 and UTOPIA 2. The Ultalow Picoammeter (UTOPIA) series of chips were designed using AMS 350nm technology. UTOPIA 1 helped in identifying the main sources of leakage currents while employing AMS 350 technology for a low current measurement application. Based on the results from the UTOPIA 1, the second generation chip, UTOPIA 2, was designed which is proven to be able to measure currents from 1 fA to 5 uA. The characterization of the chip in pulsed radiation field is ongoing.