
The main purposes of the CROME project are: 

  • To provide an alternative solution to both ARCON and RAMSES monitors that is flexible, cost effective and that is designed and developed at CERN
  • To guarantee the intellectual property ownership by using in-house talents and expertise and limiting dependency on a single supplier

The objectives of the CROME Project Production is to replace ARCON. The target figures are:

  • Delivery of the first batch of series new monitors with associated alarm units and uninterruptible power supplies by the end of 2019 ready for installation on site as a scale test for final validation
  • Delivery of 225 monitors :
    • 100 in Bulk version 
    • 125 in Rack version
  • Delivery of 31 rack chassis 
  • Delivery of 100 wall supports    
  • Delivery of 105 alarm units
  • Delivery of 100 uninterruptible power supplies in wall version 
  • Delivery of 60 uninterruptible power supplies in rack version
  • Delivery of 13 CROME junction boxes 
  • Delivery of 3 CROME Cases
  • and ancillary equipment to be made available to the operation team for the effective replacement of the ARCON radiation protection chains during LS2
CROME Production



CROME manufacturing at CERN is possible through a complex supply chain that combines internal and external partners : 

1 - External partners



2 - Internal partners

Indus interne CERN CROME


Some pictures of CROME factory (at CERN) :







Some pictures of assembled devices