In my capacity as CROME Project Leader, I (Hamza Boukabache) will continue my serie of posts to acknowledge the major stakeholder of the project. With the restart of CERN accelerators and the end of LS2, I would like in this second post to acknowledge :
- The development team :
- Michel Pangallo, Senior electronics engineer and CROME Project Lead Deputy
- Gael Ducos, LabVIEW Expert, HDL developper and a brilliant electronics engineer
- Saskia Hurst, Reliability engineer. The first student that I have hired for CROME project. She performed her master thesis with us and then worked with us for 3 more years as a fellow. She performed the complete Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Study (RAMS) analysis of CROME.
- Ciaran Toner, FPGA developper. The first fellow that I have hired for CROME project. He did an amazing job. You can find here a paper that summarize the work that we have done for SoC some years ago.
- Nicola Gerber, Digital electronics engineer. He started as a technical student, did his master thesis with us and then continued with us as a fellow
- Katharina Ceesay-Seitz, Verification and Software developper. She also did her master thesis with us before working as a fellow for 3 years. Her contribution to CROME and verification fields was published in many articles : Exemple 1, Exemple 2 ...
- Amitabh Yadav, currently a fellow with us who contributing to the software/firmware development and consolidation of CROME
- Uwe Kaeflin, (Ext) Mechanical engineer
- Jarosław Szumega, Technical student and Software engineer. You can find here some results of our work together.
- Tom Desdoits, Technical student, a nuclear engineer who performed his master internship with us
- Olivia Bory-Devisme and Marvin Leveneur our short term summer students who contributed with climatic chamber tests and this website creation respectively
- The installation team :
- Guillaume Michet, Maintenance and Operation Team Leader
- Jeremy Rosset-Lanchet, Maintenance and Operation Team Leader Deputy
- Diego Macias Canas, Maintenance and Operation Team
- Suleyman Dinger, installation team leader
- Stephane Ambrosi, installation team
- Frederic Magnin, maintenance team
- The Users Representative
- Markus Widorski, RP Physicist who collected and compiled the functional requirements
- The management
- Daniel Perrin, our head of section and Program leader (Special thanks to Daniel who recruited me :) )

Above in the top left, you can see the CROME cake that Katharina has made. It was a super good CAKE ! The second photo in the bottom from the right, you can see Katharina being filmed by a team from TUV Austria for her Science Award for her master thesis entitled " Automated verification of a System-on-Chip for radiation protection fulfilling Safety Integrity Level 2 ". You can watch the video (in German) where Katharina gives a nice overview about CROME System.