Hamza boukabache (Project Leader) - CROME Team

Above from left to right :

Michel Pangallo (CROME Deputy Project Leader),  Markus Widorski, Germaine Van Der Sanden (COAS), Gael Ducos, Dr. Hamza Boukabache (CROME Project leader and Deputy to RAMSES Program Leader),  Daniel Perrin (Section Leader and RAMSES Program Leader),  Sarath Kundumattathil Mohanan (Senior Fellow)

Bellow from left to right :

Saskia Hurst (Fellow), Katharina Ceesay-Seitz (Fellow), Ciaran Toner (Fellow), Nicola Gerber (Fellow), Jarosław Szumega (TECH student), Tom Desdoits (TECH student)

Saskia hurst

Reliability engineer 


Verification engineer

ciaran toner

FPGA engineer

nicola gerber

Software engineer


Software engineer


Nuclear engineer


With special thanks to the management especially Doris Forkel-Wirth (picture bellow), Stefan Roesler and Benoit Delille for their support and advices. 









Some updates from our former colleagues : 

  • Ciaran is currently a senior FPGA designer at MathWorks working as an SoC specialist for Matlab/Simulink software in Scotland (UK)
  • Nicola is holding a position of digital radio engineer at CSEM (Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique) where he is developing microelectronics chips for bluetooth applications
  • JarosÅ‚aw is currently a software developer working at Opera on the development of embedded internet navigator for smart TV in Poland 
  • Germaine is working as research scientist & project manager at TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific )
  • Tom is working as a physicist for ASSYSTEM in Cherbourg (France)
  • Marvin (intern) who developed this web site is currently working for Thales (France) as a software developper 
  • Olivia (intern) who performed measurement performances tests is currently starting a PhD in smart grid at LE2P in Paris (France)
  • Uwe (Interim - contractor) who developed most of CROME mechanical design is currently finishing his PhD at CERN on CFD simulation 


Uwe Olivia Matin
Uwe Kauflin Olivia Bory-Devisme Marvin Leveneur
